1. What are your feelings now that it’s the second tour in Japan?
2. Please tell us the highlights of this tour.
3. The 1st Japan Tour ended very successfully last year. How did you try to finish the tour?
4. During the tour, was there anything you were careful of and did anything in your everyday life change?
5. The 2nd album’s concept is an airline company. Which country do you most want to visit now? What do you want to do there?
6. For the tour pamphlet you dressed up as flight attendants. If there was no Girls’ Generation, what job do you think you would have?
7. You travel mainly travel by air. What do you usually do while flying?
8. How do you feel after the first album sold through over 1 million copies?
9. It’s been 5 years since your debut in 2007. Is there anything that you think has changed?
10. Please say something to the fans who are looking forward to the tour.
1. I made a lot of wonderful memories during the first tour. I’m really looking forward to this tour~!
2. The second album came out so we can show new and different songs from the previous tour.
3. Since it was our first tour, I really enjoyed it and was happy to have it end very successfully. We were happy to just spend time and be able to meet all the fans up close like that.
4. I pay close attention to my health care, such as preventing colds. I also conscientiously do stretches.
5. Santorini Island and Italy! I want to go to each country and see the wonderful scenery.
6. I like cooking and dancing so I think I would have a job involved towards those interests.
7. In general, I usually sleep, yet I also listen to music and watch dramas.
8. 1 million copies in Japan...I’m very thankful that it received love from so many people... Also, it has strengthened my determination once more that I need to show my growth.
9. I think our appearance and performances are a lot more natural on camera and on stage than before.
10. I think it would be great if for all the fans coming to see this tour will have a fun time. Let’s make wonderful memories together~.
1. I’m excitedly nervous and really looking forward to it, however I’m also really worried.
2. I think it will be our performances showing our new look.
3. It’s finally over~ I’m so grateful!! It was really difficult, but I had a really wonderful time.
4. More than anything, I pay more attention to my diet. After all, I believe that the basis of our health is our diet.
5. America~, also Paris~. I want to go shopping, relax, and eat good food.
6. I think I would be a student or have a job relating to fashion (*

7. Sleep (*

*) I love sleeping... (laughs)
8. Honestly I thought it was a little wondrous and I’m extremely thankful. It’s all because of everyone!!
9. I think the members, and of course me as well have completely changed.
10. Everyone, let’s make fun and wonderful memories one more time together (*

1. I learned and grew a lot through the preparation process and result of the first tour, and I have pleasant memories from it so I can’t wait for this tour. The songs recorded on this album are especially good so I am very excited and want to perform soon.
2. The upgraded Girls’ Generation music and performance. There is a limit to expressing it in words. I absolutely want you to come to the concert and feel it directly.
3. I think all 9 of us have grown after finishing a long tour and we are able to have fun on stage. We were able to unite even more and that makes my heart full of happiness.
4. During the tour, more than anything, it is important to enjoy the combined energy of 9. Anyways, I pay close attention to my throat and always drink twice as much water, stretch, and take half body baths to relax my muscles.
5. Hawaii. I want to soak up the warm sun and relax to the fullest. Since it is winter in Korea, I miss warm climates.
6. I think I would be a pianist, or have a job that involves music.
7. I write my schedule plans in my notebook, catch up on sleep, or read books.
8. I was really happy! However, on the other hand the expectations for this album should be big. Yet, thanks to that I think we were able to make an even better album!
9. Our values have gradually changed, yet above all I think as time passed our enthusiasm for music has grown even larger.
10. You’ve waited a long time, right~? In order to show even better music and performances we were able to make a second tour this way~. When I think about the wonderful memories made from last year’s tour, I start grinning and smiling. Let’s make even more great memories together on this tour (*

1. We are preparing a lot in order to not be inferior to the first tour! Also, we are looking forward to showing new and great performances as well as being able to meet all the fans.
2. The 9 of us with our new, developed, and wonderful performances!!
3. I was very happy to be able to feel the love of the fans even closer.
4. Usually in the morning and at night I stretch, do aerobic exercises, and weight train. Moreover, during the tour I am careful not to be lazy in addition to constantly making my body tense.
5. Phuket. I want to go to the beach and slowly relax while eating tropical fruit.
6. Hmm, I wonder what? (laughs)
7. Most of the time I sleep; however, I also look back and check dance videos and read self development books.
8. I’m very thankful for everyone’s interest and love for Girls’ Generation. Thank you very much!
9. More than anything, I think it’s gaining composure on stage. We came to be able to enjoy performing.
10. We will show wonderful performances so please look forward to it!!
1. Among our Japan activities, the tour was the most memorable, I have lots of memories of it, and it was very fun, so I am really happy that we are doing it again. I want to eathitsumabushi, okonomiyaki, and other delicious foods soon. (>_<)
T/L note: hitsumabushi is a dish of grilled eel served over rice and okonomiyaki is a savory pancake containing various ingredients
2. Since there are many dance songs, I think we can have fun together to our heart’s content. Everyone please wear sneakers!!
3. Somehow I feel that we have grown even more as artists~. I think all the members have more confidence and our bonds are even deeper.
4. I’m particularly careful with my health because it’s hard once I catch a cold. I am at my best when I can be at peak condition during a performance.
5. I’d like to go to Switzerland and... Italy. I want to see various works at art museums!
6. I think I’d be an actress... or have a job that is related to fashion. I don’t think desk work would suit me. (*

7. I am often sleeping while riding on airplanes. (laughs) I compensate for the lack of sleep that way. There are times when I watch movies or read books.
8. When I think about the people who are still loving our album that came out last year and buying it... I’m very thankful ^^
9. I believe our sense of responsibility has come out even more. The more people that know about me, the more I feel like I can’t let everyone down.
10. We made you wait!! I really missed everyone <3 The largest show in history we’re killin! Everyone let’s look forward to it together!!
1. I’m really excited when I think about feeling the happiness again that I felt on the first tour! During a concert I can feel the happiest and feel the closest to all the fans <3
2. Our even more powerful unity? (laughs)
3. I feel like we accomplished something! My heart was completely full and I think the bonds between members grew stronger. It was a very important time. Also, because I was able to meet all the fans up close, I’m also looking forward to this tour.
4. More than anything I take care of managing my stamina. I get nervous, but that is for enjoying the concert and performing at maximum concentration!!
5. Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Egypt. I want to walk around and sightsee and definitely go to each country’s museums.
6. I think I would have become an announcer ^^
7. I listen to a lot of music as well as sleep.
8. Honestly I can’t believe it, I’m very happy!
9. I believe we have gained expressions and stamina, and changed greatly in a good way ^^
10. For the fans that came to see the first tour, this is the second present! <3
For those who are coming for the first time this, this is the first present <3
Let’s have fun together and please feel our performance <3
1. I’m really looking forward to it. While remembering the previous tour, I want to have a great time with everyone on an even better stage this time!
2. We will let you hear all the songs from the second album!! Please look forward to it!!
3. I’m very thankful that so many fans came. I was able to spend a very fulfilling and happy time.
4. I pay attention to managing my condition. I’m going to try to not get sick on this tour (>_<)
5. I want to go to a warm tropical country. I want to slowly rest, swim to my heart’s content and eat a lot of fruits・・!!
6. No matter what kind of job, I think I’d work in a creative industry?
7. I’m usually sleeping... I really sleep a lot on airplanes (laughs) I listen to music while relaxing.
8. I’m truly thankful. I can never forget this; I will forever be grateful. It’s our first album, but I feel that it is something even more meaningful.
9. I think we are a lot more comfortable on stage than before. That surely came from a lot experience.
10. Since it is the second tour, in order to make even more fun memories we will show a more wonderful stage than before <3 Please look forward to it~!!
1. Being on tour is the most fun job. I have waited ever since the last tour ended!! Im So EXCITED!!
2. We prepared a lot in order to show new performances of the second album’s songs. Please look forward to it.
3. Regrettably...I was sad (>_<) Because of that I want to do it again (laughs) It was that much fun!
4. During the tour I absolutely... change my fashion to jersey style (laughs) I spend the day wearing sneakers and comfortable shoes. It’s important to be fashionable, however dressing in a relaxed manner is also good for performing.
5. I want to go back to my home in America (>_<)
6. After all, I love music so... I think I would still have a job that relates to music ^^ (laughs)
7. I feel like I sleep a lot in flight (laughs)
8. As an artist I was very happy and filled with pride~. As a lover of music myself it’s an even happier occasion!
9. We have changed a lot (laughs) As time passes, don’t you think we’ve matured and became prettier?? (laughs)
10. The second album “Girls & Peace” has a lot of really good and wonderful songs. Those who are coming to the concert, definitely, absolutely listen to the album and then come!!! Please enjoy the performances <3
1. It’s my favorite thing... In my head just about 98% of it is about the tour. I’m very excited and really looking forward to it. Also, my heart pounds when I think of being able to show even more dynamic songs and stage performances!
2. Dynamic!! Please see our improved Japanese ability more than the first tour. (laughs)
3. It made me realize that the tour was really over...
4. I regulate a maximum condition in order not to drop the tension. (*

*) In order to have the maximum energy on stage, I store a lot of energy off stage. (laughs)
5. Australia’s Melbourne! It’s on the my to do list. I want to slowly relax with nature.
6. I can’t think about that... It’s because I’m in Girls’ Generation!!
7. Since its dry in-flight, I put on masks I bought in Japan and read the newspaper or sleep.
8. It’s so incredible that even I was very surprised that it was loved this much!
9. I don’t know specifically... (>_<)
10. Everyone please have fun!! Please wait for us~!!
Translated by: and
Source: 2nd Japan Tour Photobook (personal copies)