Sooyoung's sister take a selca with Sooyoung, and her uploaded it in her twitter and added some text. wanna se the text? here its its with english and indonesian translation
Original Tweet @sujincda: 수영이가 쉬는날이많아 너무 좋다 우리둘다팅팅부었지만 오랜만에 자매샷. God bless you, SY:-)
[ENGLISH TRANS] Soojin unnie's tweet:
"It's great that Sooyoung takes a lot of vacations. Although 2 of us are bloated (faces), it's been a long time since our last sister-shot. God bless you, SY :-)
"Sangat senang bahwa Sooyoung memiliki banyak liburan.Meskipun 2 dari kita membengkak (wajah), sudah lama sejak terakhir saudara-shot kami. Tuhan melindungimu, SY :-)
Photo credit: sujincda (SooJin's Twitter Account)
Trans: @imwhywhy
Indo Trans : Ria Sagita
Note : Click for see HQ